MAPs III: Abiding in the Wise Heart:

Readings, Practice, and Insight

for Transformation

There is a fundamental premise suggested in the practice of mindfulness: We, through no fault of our own, see ourselves and the world so inaccurately that we not only suffer more than we need to, but we are cut off from the boundless kindness, compassion, and equanimity that are the essence of our very human nature!

In Abiding in the Wise Heart, mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist, Brian Shiers LMFT, will share readings and guide exercises that inform a complete practice to see more clearly and uncover your innate gifts:

* By cultivating concentration, we transform focus and perception, and cultivate uncommon states of awareness.
* By learning to fully inhabit the body, we transform the busy mind and rest in the timeless Now.
* By developing stillness, acceptance, and compassion, we transform anger, frustration, fear, and anxiety.
* By opening the world of connection, we transform the illusion that we are separate from what we experience, and separate from others.

Drawing from such seminal teachers as Jack Kornfield, Dan Siegel, John Makransky, Ken McLeod, Thich Nhat Hanh, Diana Winston, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, and many more, students will come away with a treasure trove of commentary and instructions that are invaluable, and plenty of practice time to open to the direct experience of the teachings.

MAPs III: Abiding in the Wise Heart:

Readings, Practice, and Insight

for Transformation

Saturdays 9-11am PT

November 4th thru December 16th

  • no class nov 25th *
    Live on Zoom

Note: This class is appropriate for intermediate and advanced practitioners. UCLA MARC students should have taken MAPs I and at least one MAPs II class to participate. For questions about alternate forms of experience to be considered for enrollment, please email:

UCLA MARC IPP & TMF Students Enroll for Free!
Simply email Brian at:


Coming in 2023:

The Power of Presence

The Science of mindfulness & attachment parenting


Reclaiming the Muse

mindfulness & creativity


Weaving A Mindful Life

A Family Daylong Retreat


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